Notes from the Summer Messiah Series Week Two

We’re excited for you to join us for this midweek summer series, as we journey through Messiah; the NLT version of the New Testament without any chapter or verse numbers. Here are Pastor Frank’s highlights from night two covering Luke 13 – 24.

One thing Luke is known for is 16 parables that are unique to Luke.

Pastor Frank’s 5 Faves of the uniques:

The Shrewd Manager (Luke 16)

Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16)

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10)

The Prodigal Son and His Older, Uptight Brother (Luke 15)

The Unjust Judge and the Persistent Widow (Luke 18)


Pastor Frank’s Letterman Top 17 of Luke 13-24:

1. When Jesus talks about Jerusalem, He considers Jerusalem to be:

a. The center of the persecution of the TRUE Old Testament prophets of God.

b. The nexus of the obliteration of the Jews by the BABS, thus also the center of the cause of the Exile.

c. Where crucifixion and the judgment and forgiveness of sin takes place.

2. Several times, and in different ways, Jesus reminds people to “count the cost” of being a person of faith

3. Jesus teaches some sobering things about temptation:

1) Temptation will always be with us.

2) Those who tempt us to sin, those who lead us into sin, those who deceive us, those who champion and advocate for our sin will be eternally punished worse than anyone.

3) BUT! There is no excuse or “get-out-of-Hell-free” card because someone else deceived or tempted you.

4) Finally, Jesus teaches that there is a permanence to the eternal life you choose – Heaven with God or Hell without God.

4. Jesus teaches that “Affirmation Addicts” are self-deluding and self-destructive. Instead, seek to be humble. Seek to be small.

5. We are reminded repeatedly that Jesus’ disciples did not understand the reality of Jesus’ temporal destination.

6. Jesus teaches that the only way we can and should be trusted with big things is to be faithful in the little things.

7. The last week of Jesus’ life reminds us of the fickleness of human beings.

8. Jesus shows us the power of refuting arguments NOT through declarations and pontifications, but by simply asking questions.

9. That whole render to Caesar and render to God thing …

10 In Chapter 20 (page 50), Jesus gives us one of the most powerful teachings about the veracity of the rez…

11. The account of the widow’s mite – just SO powerful.

12. The Lord’s Supper – the sacrament of communion – gets instituted at the

final Passover meal with His disciples.

13. Luke’s Gospel is where we get this interesting and awkward narrative

about Barabbas …

14. The crucifixion

15. Jesus’ prophecy about Peter comes true.

16. As the disciples are gathered, huddled, and afraid: “Peace be with you!”

17. Jesus then tells them (Pg 59): “Guys, it was written long ago that the

Messiah would suffer and die and rise from the dead on the third day. It

was also written that this message would be proclaimed in the authority of

His name to all the nations beginning in Jerusalem: ‘There is forgiveness

of sins for all who repent!’ You are witnesses to these things.”


Notes from the Summer Messiah Series Week Three


Notes from the Summer Messiah Series Week One