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services - 8:00AM, 9:30am, & 11:00aM

We gather every week to focus — or refocus — on the good news of the gospel. We proclaim God’s truth, submitting ourselves to it, seeking to be transformed. We worship not as disconnected individuals but as a community, through music, teaching, prayer, giving, and communion. We have three identical services - each service typically lasts about 65 minutes.

You can join us in person at 3330 East Camelback Road (on the North side of Camelback between 32nd Street and 34th Street) or join us for the live streamed service on YouTube.

What Is Service Like?

Our services typically involves:

Singing: We’ll praise God and encourage each other with songs.

Scripture Reading: We love the Bible, so we’ll stand to read the passage that we’re studying.

Preaching: We’ll preach (live preaching) the unchanging truth of Scripture and seek to apply the gospel to the core concerns of our lives.

Communion: We’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a reminder of Jesus’ death as a sacrifice for sins.

Giving: We’ll give as a response to God’s grace to extend the church’s ministry to our community and world. Giving boxes are in the back or you can give online.

What Should I Do With My Kids?

Redemption Kids We have a safe, fun, and educational environment at our services for kids birth-6th Grade at each of our services. Alternatively, you are welcome to have your children with you in the worship gathering. All of our children’s workers have undergone background checks and been trained prior to volunteering.

Student Ministry is an environment for 6th through 12th grade students. We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. This time includes worship, teaching, and most importantly time in our small groups led by a team of Christ followers working with parents in discipling students toward faith in Jesus, trust in His Word, and love for the local church.

For Those Worshipping Online

  • Tune in about 5 minutes early to prepare for service.

  • We will be celebrating communion, so please prepare some elements you can use at home. Although bread and wine (or grape juice) have traditionally been used to mark the meal, feel free to substitute whatever you have on hand to celebrate.

  • Let us know you’re here so we can help you take the next best steps here at Arcadia by filling out our online connection card.