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New to Redemption Arcadia?
Filling out the Connect Card is a great first step in connecting with the pastors and staff at Redemption Arcadia. We would love to reach out, share where we see the Lord at work, and start getting to know you!
Every third Sunday of the month, join the Missions team for Start Here. Learn more about the six core values of Redemption Arcadia and find out the next steps in getting involved in the life of the church.
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation. It symbolically portrays a believer’s identification with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It proclaims to all that we have died to our old self and now live in the freedom of new life in Christ as a forgiven child of God and devoted follower of Jesus. Baptism follows the example set by Jesus, found in Mark 1:9. Our new life with new priorities and passions expressed in ministry also begins with this act of obedience in being baptized.
As followers of Christ, we are called to be humble servants of one another, and where the people of God respond to meet the needs of others around them, the church thrives. We have a variety of needs in the church, needs that are always surfacing and evolving, and we depend on our volunteers. Volunteers lead groups, take out trash, counsel hurting people, change diapers, make videos, play music, edit documents, clean bathrooms . . . the list is endless. Some people find opportunity to serve in ways that align with their gifts. Others simply respond to a need that they see (taking out the trash isn’t a spiritual gift, but someone needs to do it). Some volunteering requires a long term commitment, like Children’s Ministry. Some is temporary, like giving someone a ride home. All of it is important. Sometimes the greatest way to bless others is to simply give your time to serve them. Sometimes the strongest community is built among those who serve shoulder to shoulder together. We encourage you to find a way to serve within your congregation. Some opportunities are listed here:
Guest Services – Greeting guests, ushering
Hospitality – Serving communion, coffee, etc.
R/Kids – Working with children
Production – Running slides, audio/video, or lighting
Special Events – Helping prep and set-up
R/Students – Working with 6th-12th graders
R/Young Adults – Working with 18-20 somethings