
Redemption Arcadia Redemption Arcadia


Join us as we study James from January 12th through March 9th.

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Redemption Arcadia Redemption Arcadia

Get Wisdom

Over the four weeks of January 2024, we will journey into one of the prominent wisdom literature books of the Hebrew Bible: Proverbs. The book of Proverbs is a compilation of time-tested wisdom that brings life to the one who implements it, and disaster for the fool who shuns it. Its 31 chapters are written to describe the wise person and the foolish person, then to try to persuade the person who has yet to decide which one he or she will embrace to land on the side of wisdom. Proverbs has been described as “goads and nails.” What does that mean? We look forward to growing in wisdom through discussing and deliberating the instruction, correction, and joyful implementation of God’s wisdom in our lives.

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Redemption Arcadia Redemption Arcadia


“Revelation” is the title of the last book in our English bibles which comes from a translation of the Greek word apokalupsis (to make known, disclose, or reveal) in Revelation 1:1. John’s Apocalypse is the revealing of reality and the end of reality.

What is really going on in the world? Where is the world really headed? What are the real threats we face as God’s people?

Click here to read more on this series.

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Redemption Arcadia Redemption Arcadia

Rich Toward God

Rich Toward God is a study of Jesus’ teaching about money from Luke 12:13-48.

Jesus is asked to intervene in a financial dispute between brothers. In the conversation that follows, Jesus provides some crucial teaching about how his people should relate to money.

Money is one of God’s primary rivals (Luke 16:13), and God’s people need instruction and inspiration on how to use money in a God-glorifying way. This series isn’t mostly about any particular financial habit (giving, saving, reducing debt, etc.).

Rather, it’s about cultivating a healthy and godly relationship to money.

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Redemption Arcadia Redemption Arcadia

Advent 2022

How an encounter with Jesus changes our perspective of family, work, spirituality, leadership, and finding answers.

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