Notes from the Summer Messiah Series Week Three
We’re excited for you to join us for this midweek summer series, as we journey through Messiah; the NLT version of the New Testament without any chapter or verse numbers. Here are Pastor Frank’s highlights from night three covering Acts 1 – 15.
Key Passages
Romans 3:9-11 and Chapters 8 & 9
Ephesians 1:11; 2:1-11
John 6:44
1 Peter 1:1 – 2
From the Gospel
“Having carefully investigated everything that has
happened in the life and ministry of Jesus, I have
written an accurate account for you, so that you
can be certain of the truth, most honorable
From Acts
“In my first book Theophilus, I told you about all that Jesus
did and taught until the day He was taken into heaven,
teaching and giving His apostles instructions. After He
suffered and died, He rose from the dead and appeared to
His apostles and proved that He was actually alive, during
which time He continued to talk about The Kingdom of
God and salvation.”
Pastor Frank’s Letterman Top 27 From Acts 1 – 15:
1. Acts begins with the resurrected Jesus giving final instructions to His disciples, then ascending into heaven.
2. We are told that “someday He will return from heaven.”
3. We get a lesson in the fates of Judas and Peter – how each of them handled their rejection of Jesus.
4. Peter’s powerful sermon at Pentecost …
5. In Acts 3, Peter and John encounter a guy who could not walk from birth. He asks them for money and Peter responds with, “We have no silver or gold, but what I do have is this: In the name of Jesus Christ, get up and walk.”
When Peter & John are arrested by the Professional Religious People for preaching Jesus, they were astonished to find that the disciples were “ordinary men” with “no training”.
7. Several times Peter says to those wanting him to stop proclaiming the Gospel, “Should we obey God or man?
Should we follow Jesus or YOU?” (The answer should be obvious.)
8. I love the prayer after Peter and John are released and returned to the Church: “And now, O Lord, hear the threats of those who do not believe, and give us – your servants – great boldness in preaching Your word. Stretch out Your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus!”
9. There’s the account of Ananias and Sapphira …
10. The Pharisee Gamaliel, at yet another trial of Peter & John, saves them by telling the PeRPS who wanted to kill them, “Let them go. You see, if they are doing these things of their own will, they will eventually lose. But it they’re from God you can’t stop it AND you’ll be fighting against God. That’s dumb.”
11. The apostles REJOICE that God counted them worthy to suffer on account of the Gospel.
12. Stephen preaches a GREAT and CONVICTING sermon …
13. Saul/Paul is introduced at the stoning of Stephen.
14. After Stephen’s sermon and execution, the diaspora.
15. Peter & James validate: The Samaritans ARE saved.
16. The wonderful story of Philip and the Ethiopian government official.
17. Saul/Paul’s amazing Damascus Road experience.
18. Early in Paul’s Christian life, notice the tremendous Cognitive Dissonance people had about him.
19. Chapter 10: Peter’s dream – God makes all things clean – including Samaritans and Gentiles!
20. It was at the Church in ANTIOCH where believers were first called “Christians.”
21. James is martyred and Peter is jailed. I love this story.
22. Finally, we have the send-off of the First Missionary Journey: Chapters 13 – 14.
23. Saul’s name is “officially” changed to Paul.
>>“Saul” means “I am prayed for.”
>>“Paul” means “humble; small”
24. There is the controversy over John Mark bailing out.
25. Chapter 15 is mostly about the first and maybe most important conference in the history of the Church – known as “The Jerusalem Counsel.”
26. Just prior to the Second Missionary Journey, Paul and Barnabas, an unbeatable team
during the First Missionary Journey, have a falling out over John Mark bailing.
27. Paul enlists Timothy early in the beginning of the Second Missionary Journey.