Lent Offering 2016

As Jesus has loved us, we want to love others. The Gospel calls us to give ourselves to those in need.Refugees from around the world surround Redemption Arcadia, and these refugees need people to walk alongside them as they transition during this difficult season of life. One way we show the love of Christ is through our partnership with the Refugee Women's Health Clinic.The Refugee Women's Health Clinic provides access to comprehensive, culturally sensitive care for refugee women in and around Phoenix.For each Sunday during Lent (February 14 - March 20), we will be collecting the following items:

  • Diapers
  • Laundry detergent
  • Baby blankets

Please commit to bringing an item each week as an offering leading up to Easter Sunday. You can drop off the items at either service at the shelf outside of the East lobby doors. All of these items will go to refugee women and children in need.Thank you for partnering with us as we care for our neighbors!


Holy Week Scripture Reading


Ash Wednesday Service