First Sunday of Advent: Hope
Pray with Me
As we light this first advent candle,
the candle of hope,
may we see more than a simple tradition,
a dim light,
a single flame.
Holy Spirit,
Would you make this moment in time
a holy and sacred reminder
of the hope that does not disappoint.
As we enter into a season of hurry, may we pursue slowness.
As we encounter this season of wonder, may that wonder be rooted in You.
As we long for joy, may our joy be found in Your presence in the mundane.
And as we hold tightly to hope, may we remember who You are:
From of old no one has heard
or perceived by the ear,
no eye has seen a God besides you,
who acts for those who wait for him.
For you meet him who joyfully works righteousness,
those who remember you in your ways.
Isaiah 64:4-5