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Prayer Vigil

As we seek to be faithful in prayer, our prayer ministry is offering an opportunity to join together for 33 hours of continuous prayer beginning after our last Good Friday service and culminating in a sunrise service at 6:00am on Easter.

You can sign up for one hour at a time using the google sheet (feel free to sign up for more than one slot throughout the 33 hours). Come to the prayer room and pray by yourself, with your family, or with your RC as we put into practice God's command to be a house of prayer.

We have been blessed with a dedicated prayer room, so we will be praying in person in the prayer room throughout the weekend. You will receive an access code for the prayer room/bathroom after signing up as well as resources to guide you in your prayer.

As you consider your time during Holy Week, ask the Lord how He might lead you to get involved.


When & Where

Friday, April 18-Sunday, April 20


Email Malia Rogers

April 18

Good Friday

April 20

Easter Sunday