Local Outreach: Resurrection Weekend

Easter is coming soon and we're excited to connect with our partners at Along Side Ministries to send Easter cards to inmates involved with the program. We would love for you and your family to come together with us to send a message of hope to these individuals.

Physical cards will be available in the sanctuary lobby leading up to Easter. We have both colorable cards and cards that are ready for you to simply write a message in, some illustrated by our own Redemption Kids! Grab as many cards as you like, decorate the front (if applicable), write a message on the inside, and drop it in the basket in the lobby. 

Digital copies are available to download below. Print as many as you'd like, write a message, and drop it off at church either on Sunday or during the week in our mailbox (on the Southeast corner of the Sanctuary building) by Sunday, March 28.

We are excited to look toward Jesus' resurrection as we remember the hope we have in Christ and share it with our incarcerated brothers and sisters.

Questions? Email Andrea Hamilton.


Make Room - Behind the Lyrics


Advent Offering 2020