Hope Women’s Center Summer Drive: July

During the month of July, we will be collecting personal hygiene items for Hope Women’s Center. While we love Costco packs, due to COVID regulations HWC requires donated items to be individually packaged. Think toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo, and conditioner - odds are you have a few extras lying around at home! 

Providing affordable food, diapers and hygiene items is one way HWC actively supports the marginalized in our own community. Even more importantly, HWC seeks to meet non-physical needs by providing mentorship, counseling, community, and equipping the women they serve with the skills they need to move forward.

If you are interested in learning more about what volunteering at HWC looks like, click here to email Andrea Hamilton.


About the Series: Countercultural Convictions


Make Room - Behind the Lyrics