All of Life Interview: Mark Hansen

We often say at Redemption that "all of life is all for Jesus."  This quote has incredible implications for every facet of life, including our work.  Here, Mark Hansen shares how he connects his work as a distributor for Advocare to God's work.


How would you describe your work?

I am a distributor for a nutrition company called Advocare.  I spend about half my time consulting one on one with individuals and families on ways to implement and improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes.  The other half of my time is spent working on leadership development and team building.

As an image bearer of God, how does your work reflect some aspect of God's work?

God has the power to heal and my work allows me to play a part in helping people recover their health or take their performance to the next level.  Much of what I do involves getting to know clients and their families on a very personal level.  Knowing them allows me to understand their needs better and create solutions for them that work for the long term.

How does your work give you a unique vantage point into the brokenness of the world?

I'm in constant awe of the privileged life we live here in this country.  We aren't having to give it all we've got just to get our next meal, or walk for miles to get drinking water for our families.  Yet, if you take a cross-cut section of America, you can see that there is a healthcare crisis that, for the most part, is preventable.  All the knowledge and access to information has not translated into the healthiest country in the world.  So - myself included here - there is room to extend grace and mercy where I see brokenness in the health of individuals and families.

Jesus commands us to "love our neighbors as ourselves."  How does your work function as an opportunity to love and serve others?

There are all kinds of people that I get to love on and serve.  Change for most people doesn't come about easily.  From the crossfit athlete who wants to continually improve to people who won't ever set foot in a gym, people who haven't exercised in years to people in their prime just looking for some more energy to get through the day:  I get to serve them by demonstrating unconditional love while encouraging them on a new path filled with its own set of struggles and challenges.  As a few learn to lead others down the same path, I get to also love and serve them through the ups and downs of building teams to effect change in many lives all over the country.



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Moving In: Opportunities to Help