Affordable Christmas 2021

Affordable Christmas is almost here! We are excited to continue our annual advent season partnership to bless, serve, and share the gospel with low income families in our community. There are two ways to get involved:

  1. Donate a new toy(s) for boys and girls between the ages of newborn to 16 years. Need a gift idea? Click here to check out the Amazon Wish List and have the gifts delivered directly to Redemption Alhambra or drop them off in the lobby beginning November 7. We'll collect toys until Sunday, December 5.
  2. Join us on Saturday, December 11 to serve during the event. There will be a volunteer training on Wednesday, December 8 at 6:30pm at Redemption Alhambra. Click here to sign up!

Questions? Email Andrea Hamilton!


Advent Offering 2021


A "Frank" Interview