Advent Offering 2016
This year’s Advent Offering will support three of the ministries Redemption Church Arcadia is involved with:
Redemption Foster Care & AdoptionAlong Side MinistriesRefugee Ministry
If you would like to give monetarily, you can give one of two ways:
1. Give online using a credit card through our website.Select Advent Offering in the dropdown menu.
2. Give in person by dropping a check or cash in the offering box on Sunday.Designate on the memo line or envelope that it’s for the Advent Offering.
Donations will be split evenly between the three ministries.
We are also collecting items for the Refugee Women’s Health Clinic.Current needs include:
DiapersBaby WipesLaundry DetergentBaby Blankets
Questions? Email us or call us at (480) 788-0851.